1. General

Walk for Dogs is an awareness campaign. Participants of Walk for Dogs help spread the campaign’s message while raising money for charity.

Walk for Dogs 2020 Slogan:
It ain’t cool to be cruel. Stop the abuse! 

Simply register and go about your daily life wearing the Walk for Dogs dri-fit t-shirt on White Day (14 March 2020), anywhere you desire. During the event day, you are also encouraged to snap pictures and share them on social media. We aim to arouse public attention on dog abuse in Malaysia by getting as many people as possible to wear the same t-shirt carrying the same message on the same day. Hence, the higher the number of participants, the more effective the campaign.

Yes! We encourage participants of all ages.

Upon registration, you are automatically qualified for the Post-Event Photo Contest. All you need to do is upload a photo of you wearing the event t-shirt on 14 March 2020 to Facebook or Instagram and share it with hashtags #walkfordogs #itaintcooltobecruel #stoptheabuse for a chance to win a brand new iPhone 11 and FIVE mystery gifts! More info on the Post-Event Photo Contest will be released soon!

2. Registration

You can sign up for Walk for Dogs at theomg.com.my or visit our booth on the dates listed on our Facebook page.

We are looking for other channels / partners to promote our campaign. If you are interested in becoming a partner, please email us at theomgenterprise@gmail.com

3. Shipping

The Walk for Dogs Awareness Kits will be shipped to participants between 24 February 2020 – 13 March 2020.

We’re sorry, but we do not ship to international destinations.


4. Charity

We are committed to donating 10% from each registration fee (including discounted packages) to the event’s featured charity. Everyone who registers for Walk for Dogs is making a difference. 

You can. However, we believe that education works at the root cause of dog abuse. By registering for Walk for Dogs, you are not only helping to pay the veterinary bills of MDDB, you are also part of an effort to bring about change through public awareness.

If you would like to make a donation directly to the charity, please refer to the bank details below:
Featured Charity: Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (https://www.facebook.com/MalaysianDogsDeserveBetter/)
Bank: Public Bank
Account Name: MDDB Canine Welfare Project Berhad
Account Number: 3201440806

OMG Enterprise is not a nonprofit organization. Just because we are not classified as a charitable organization, it does not mean we can’t raise funds for the many worthwhile organizations who are. 

Although there are many unethical individuals and companies that never make the promised donation, we are not like them. We are committed to full transparency and will post receipts or scans of any acknowledgement letters we receive on social media.