The OMG in 2021: What Did We Do?

What a crazy year 2021 has been, but we managed to get through it! We are one day away from the new year and all the great things it will bring, but before that, The OMG would like to look back at the year 2021 and highlight our accomplishments in helping animal shelters reduce their […]

Introducing the Sponsors of The OMG Christmas Ruff-le

The OMG is hosting its first charity raffle called The OMG Christmas Ruff-le to raise dog food for Kuantan Animal Rescue & Education (KARE)! Located in Pahang, KARE is currently home to more than 400 dogs that are rescued from the streets or the Kuantan pound. Run by volunteers and funded by the public, KARE aims […]

OMG! Our First Ever Online Colouring Contest!

Kindness and compassion are key traits that need to be cultivated and nurtured in children. In December last year, children aged twelve and below joined Colour for Us 2020 to colour and draw to express their thoughts on how to be kind to animals. Furthermore, their registrations had contributed 37kg of pet food to Shikin […]

OMG! Our 2020 in a Nutshell.

2020 has been a tough year for everyone, even more so when you have just started your business at the end of 2019. We founded OMG Enterprise (The OMG) on November 6, 2019 and launched our first event, Walk for Dogs, in the same month. The response was disappointing, to say the least. Refusing to […]

We Walked, We Ran for Dogs

Both stray and pet dogs in all places are subjected to violence and abuse almost on a daily basis. In an effort to raise awareness of animal cruelty as well as to encourage the public to report suspected cases of abuse, our first ever event – Walk for Dogs – was held. Related Post: 4 […]